Friday, October 31, 2008

The cutest ladybug in all of Austin ... Happy Halloween!

We were very blessed to be invited to a party hosted by MC in benefit of Team in Training and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. She is running the Austin Half Marathon in 2009 (pregnant too!). Larry and I ran the marathon a few years ago.
Inara's photos were taken by Lyndsay of Life in Motion Photography. Here is her website and here is her blog
Here is the blog post of all the other kiddos in their costumes

We are very fortunate to have this VERY talented photographer take her pictures. In fact we have booked her for Inara's 6 month and 12 month session. She is one very talented woman and her and her family have experienced significant loss. Their home was destroyed (and I mean destroyed) with all their possessions (including their photographs) in Hurricane Katrina just days after their daughters birth.

Lyndsay was recently awarded the BEST Children's Photographer in Austin by the Austin Chronicle. We are very blessed that Inara will have her pictures taken by Lyndsay.
Lyndsay also does the most amazing thing - she photographs births. We had contacted her to photograph Inara's birth but when we had to have a C-Section we cancelled and it is my biggest regret when it comes to Inara. It is not about whether the birth was vaginal, C-Section, med free, etc. It is about the baby and I didn't realize that until I came to be a mom.
Here is the post on her blog featuring the slide show she has done of a birth
The link for the slide show is
Mom, get the Kleenex. I promise you will need it.
She will be photographing #2's birth. Guaranteed!

Inara and Grandpa Crowe

Inara and Ethan

Not interested dude.

Inara is almost as big as Ethan. That is OK except is Ethan is 6 MONTHS OLD. Our little porkchop in this picture is just a little over 3 months. If we were in Canada this would be Inara's best friend. His dad, my favorite cuz David, and I were very close as kids. I do regret that Inara will not have that same bond with her cousins.

Nap time ...

Inara in the snow

Who knew the "Don't eat yellow snow talk would have to be so soon"?

Happy, happy joy joy. I gave you a smile woman, now get me out of this thing!

Forget the snow, give me my fingers.

Inara and her FIRST SNOWMAN!!!!!!!

Yawn, snow, schmo

As you can see, Mama's snowman building skills need serious work! The snowman fell over as soon as she leaned against it!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Inara and Nanny

Stupid built in flash - guess who is getting a Canon 580 Speedlite for Christmas!!!

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes...

In true Canadian fashion...(Yup, it snowed)

Check out this Rockin' Hat....

Inara in the leaves of Fall

How I miss the leaves of Fall...

Total Cuteness ...

Inara and her Favorite Aunt Esther

Inara LOVED her Aunt Esther. Every day she talked and laughed with her aunt for HOURS!

Some family and me ...

(From Left to Right) Uncle Kevin, Logan, Me, Aunt Esther, Braydon

Leaving on a Jet Plane (Take 1 and Take 2)

We tried to take off, really we did.
When flying alone with an infant there a few key points to remember. First, doesn't matter how hungry the baby is do NOT feed 10 minutes before pre-boarding because the inevitable will happen. Yes, poop. Literally. We missed pre-boarding and heard "Paging passenger Crowe, party of 2. Please proceed to Gate 2 for the immediate departure of your aircraft" while sprinting from the bathroom back to the gate. We were the last to board and since Mommy did not have a lot of time to reorganize from the poop explosion walking down the narrow excuse for aisle was not fun. Yes, I know my bags hit every person in the aisle on the right hand side. Sorry!
Finally organized we wait. For what don't know. Wasn't the aircraft suppossed to immediately depart, hmmm. There might be a problem here. Sure enough mechanical failure and not just any mechanical failure the deplane mechanical failure. While standing in line to speak with the ticket agent, Mommy noticed the bags were being deplaned. There was no way, no how this plane was taking off!
After 30 minutes in line we have three options:
1) Transfer planes not once, not twice but THREE times to get to Regina by 8:00 pm. Let me think about the logistics of changing planes that many times... NEXT
2) Take a later flight arriving in Regina at 10:something pm. Umm, it's only 8:00 AM, are you crazy?? NEXT
3) Try again tomorrow and hope Northworst, I amean Northwest, doesn't have mechanical failure. Ding, Ding, Ding we have a winner.
We take off the next day with no problems and I rock as a lap baby!

Packed and ready to go...

Is there room for me??! Oh wait, I get to ride on mommy's lap. Thank goodness because I think I would be in for a bumpy ride.

Another photo session because Mommy loves me...

Woman, we are done here....

Pure amazement - notice the cheese curd (aka milk I spit up)

I love the camera and it loves me

Sarah Palin's makeup artisit makes $22,000 in one month?? Sign me up!

Bask in my cuteness

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Must protect the paci at all times...

Maybe if I sit on it, she won't notice it....

Hands off! Even in sleep I will know it is gone...

So you think your thighs are large...

Check out these bad boys...
And in the wise words of our favorite what age does it stop being cute??

The Chubbiest Cheeks ever (and I mean e.v.e.r)...

And look it is not, one but 2 chins (I think there is also a 3rd buried somewhere in there too)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sears Portraits

Nowhere near the quality of her monthly pictures but we had a killer coupon.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Inara - How her name was choosen...

Everyone and I mean everyone compliments on her name. How beautiful, unique and exotic it is (now whether they are just being nice because they don't know what else to say - who knows).

The next follow up question is: Did you name her after Inara from the Fox TV Show Firefly?

Now first of all, let me say I LOVED this TV show. However, Fox, with their asinine scheduling and its crappy Friday night time slot, ran the show into the ground. It was canceled after one season due to lack of viewers. HMM Fox if you...
a) don't advertise it
b) list the show as being played and they play football instead, and then air it on Saturday night how is anyone going to know when the show is actually on the air?

This show was well written, well acted and had a great story line. Larry introduced me to it and since we generally don't have the same taste in TV I sat down to tolerate one episode and I was hooked! I watched every episode in the next 2 days. I even wrote Fox a nasty letter and the channel was banned from viewership in our household (except for Bones). It is not often a well written and interesting show makes it to TV. I do not count Reality TV as a "show" - most are just plain stupid.

Inara - Character from Firefly

The cast from Firefly.

Initially our girl name was Aurora Adele. However, the Spanish pronunciation of Aurora was like fingernails on a chalkboard for me and since we live in Texas it would be pronounced this way quite often so it was out. We then struggled to agree. Larry had suggested Inara and I refused. I am not going to name my child after a prostitute from a TV show (yes, the character Inara was a prostitute aka registered companion, but for this TV show they were the creme of society- wealthy and well respected). In fact, I was not going to name my child after any popular TV show character - hello Emma and Addison explosion!!!!

So how did it come to be?
We experienced a chemical pregnancy before Inara (basically the egg and sperm meet but implantation does not occur). I was very fearful of a miscarriage during the entire first trimester (it in fact was the lowest time of my life for fear and anxiety). One night I lay crying in bed and praying to God when I felt a warmth on my abdomen in the shape of a hand. I heard in my head a voice saying: "Do not be afraid, your baby will be fine". Immediately I was calm, there were no more tears. I fell asleep, blissfully at peace. The Holy Spirit was comforting me and God fulfilled his promise. My pregnancy was uneventful and she passed every prenatal test with flying colors. Many Christians go through life and never have an experience like the one I did. I wanted to find a way to honour and remember such a gift. When Larry suggested Inara again and presented the meaning of her name (I am big into what names mean and family names), I immediately knew that was her name.

Inara means in Arabic: heaven sent; gift from God. It was the perfect way to honour 2 gifts from God: 1) our beautiful baby 2) my comforting experience.

Inara was born July 11, 2008 at 2:33 pm and has been sent straight from Heaven to us.

Many people ask where did you find that name? To be truthful we do often tell people we got it from a TV show because well, the story of her name is quite a long one and if you are not religious it can make me look like a nutcase. Plus it is very personal story. So if you are reading this blog I count you as a friend and thus you get the whole story.
The name Inara was not made up for the Firefly TV show. The name has been around for over 2000 years. She was a Goddess in Hurrian Mythology.
Here is the Wikipedia info: