Monday, December 10, 2007 is official. Part Two.

I want popcorn. A big bowl of buttery, salty popcorn. Preferably made by mom. But we know that isn't gonna happen.

Now that that is out of the way. We continue.

6:15 AM the alarm clock beeps interrupting what I am sure was a useless and unmemorable dream. I hit the snooze button more than once, forgetting it is time to pee on a stick.

6:45 AM I roll out of bed. Finally. Since I am sure it is going to be negative I pull out the cheaper 2 line test I bought on clearance at HEB so I can save my Pregnant/Not Pregnant tests for when I actually think I am pregnant. Pee on the stick. Place it on the floor and head to the closet. I know it is going to be negative so what's the point of waiting.

6:55 AM I check the test. Is that a line? I think it is a line? Little did I know I actually said those words aloud. Larry (who never gets out of bed before 8:00 AM) comes in and looks at it too. We stare at the test on the floor (yes I do have pictures) trying to decide if it really is a line. Looking from the test to each other and we wonder: MAYBE IT ISN'T A LINE. BUT IF IT IS...

The test line is not as dark as the control line but there is definitely some sort of line. Damn it. Why oh why didn't I use the dummy proof test? The one that says Pregnant/Not Pregnant. Damn it, Damn it, Damn it. I HATE LINES.

Try as might no more pee will come. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Its off to work I go armed with a dummy proof test.

8:30 AM Pee on a stick #2. Almost instantly, Pregnant pops onto the screen. YES!!!!! Running out of the bathroom back to my desk (yes running and receiving multiple strange looks as no one runs in my office-we all hate our jobs and don't want to return to cubicle hell), I plunk the test on the Wendy's desk, then Shelli's and then Diana's.

8:32 AM Larry knows that the test reads Pregnant. Incidentally, 4 weeks later he requires medication for his blood pressure. Coincidence? I think not.

Sunday, December 9, 2007 is official. Part One

About 10 weeks, I guess. EDD is 07/06/08.

We found out on 10/31/07. Looking at the test I wondered if this was some kind of a Trick or a very sweet and expensive Treat?

Wait back up. I should start at the beginning before I forget everything.

I had a craving for ribs (most specifically-the ribs from Texas RoadHouse-haven't tried them? Good. Don't. More for me). During diner:
Larry asked me "Shouldn't you be starting your period yet?" (Yes, as an RN I can talk about any bodily function and still eat. My apologies to the table behind us.)

Fork paused in mid air, I think.
Don't really know. Dates and charting went out the window after learning my body temperature indicates ovulation happens on Day 19. Too bad it actually occurs on Day 14. Good bye thermometer.

Frantic, I tried to piece together my life for the last 5 weeks. Yeah right, I don't remember last week, much less 5 weeks ago.

"Well, I guess AF should have showed up by now. We will pee on a stick tomorrow."

Welcome to ... well I don't really know.

Is it possible? Have finally been dragged kicking and screaming into the world of blogging?

...It would appear so.

Not quite sure why after all this time I have started yet another worthless waste of time.
I already have the blank MySpace page, pathetically bare Facebook page, empty nest bio and 0 layouts posted on Oh and did I mention that as a kid, my diary had 4 entries?

Do I (and the world) really need another infrequently updated blog? Probably not.

But here goes it...