Everyone and I mean everyone compliments on her name. How beautiful, unique and exotic it is (now whether they are just being nice because they don't know what else to say - who knows).
The next follow up question is: Did you name her after
Inara from the Fox TV Show Firefly?
Now first of all, let me say I LOVED this TV show. However, Fox, with their
asinine scheduling and its crappy Friday night time slot, ran the show into the ground. It was canceled after one season due to lack of viewers.
HMM Fox if you...
a) don't advertise it
b) list the show as being played and they play football instead, and then air it on Saturday night how is anyone
going to know when the show is actually on the air?
This show was well written, well acted and had a great story line. Larry introduced me to it and since we generally don't have the same taste in TV I sat down to tolerate one episode and I was hooked! I watched every episode in the next 2 days. I even wrote Fox a nasty letter and the channel was banned from viewership in our household (except for Bones). It is not often a well written and interesting show makes it to TV. I do not count Reality TV as a "show" - most are just plain stupid.
Inara - Character from Firefly

The cast from Firefly.
Initially our girl name was Aurora Adele. However, the Spanish pronunciation of Aurora was like fingernails on a chalkboard for me and since we live in Texas it would be pronounced this way quite often so it was out. We then struggled to agree. Larry had suggested
Inara and I refused. I am not going to name my child after a prostitute from a TV show (yes, the character
Inara was a
prostitute aka registered companion, but for this TV show they were the creme of society- wealthy and well respected). In fact, I was not going to name my child after any popular TV show character - hello Emma and Addison explosion!!!!
So how did it come to be?
We experienced a chemical pregnancy before
Inara (basically the egg and sperm meet but implantation does not occur). I was very fearful of a miscarriage during the entire first trimester (it in fact was the lowest time of my life for fear and anxiety). One night I lay crying in bed and praying to God when I felt a warmth on my abdomen in the shape of a hand. I heard in my head a voice saying: "Do not be afraid, your baby will be fine". Immediately I was calm, there were no more tears. I fell asleep, blissfully at peace. The Holy Spirit was comforting me and God fulfilled his promise. My pregnancy was uneventful and she passed every prenatal test with flying colors. Many Christians go through life and never have an experience like the one I did. I wanted to find a way to honour and remember such a gift. When Larry suggested
Inara again and presented the meaning of her name (I am big into what names mean and family names), I immediately knew that was her name.
Inara means in Arabic: heaven sent; gift from God. It was the perfect way to honour 2 gifts from God: 1) our beautiful baby 2) my comforting experience.
Inara was born July 11, 2008 at 2:33 pm and has been sent straight from Heaven to us.
Many people ask where did you find that name? To be truthful we do often tell people we got it from a TV show because well, the story of her name is quite a long one and if you are not religious it can make me look like a nutcase. Plus it is very personal story. So if you are reading this blog I count you as a friend and thus you get the whole story.
The name Inara was not made up for the Firefly TV show. The name has been around for over 2000 years. She was a Goddess in Hurrian Mythology.
Here is the Wikipedia info: